Monday 16 May 2011


We've made several journeys to Liverpool since arriving, but most of them to meet with relatives. (Much too boring for most readers!)
We did see a couple of interesting sites... and we'll share a few of them here.

This is the same Strawberry Field which was the subject of the famous song by the Beatles. We learned that the gates had been stolen after the song became a hit - but they were later recovered and returned.

This is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. It's a magnificent structure, and seats about 2, 000. This picture was taken from Hope Street, and the Anglican Cathedral is at the opposite end of this street.

This is the Liver Building, (located adjacent to the River Mersey). The fictional bird perched atop each tower, (the Liver Bird), is the 'critter' after which Liverpool was named.

St. Nicholas' Church, located near the Liver Building is not a Roman Catholic Church, but Mass is celebrated there once a month. There is a statue directly in front of the church which honors those Liverpool residents who lost their lives during the Blitz. (Roughly 4,000 people died - including Fred's maternal grandparents and three aunts.)

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